Supporting Association EG o.z., established Teheľňa 2595/40, Skalica assists and supports staff and their family members of companies in Energy Group.

As in previous years, also for the year 2013 employees of companies in Energy Group contributed 2% of their taxes. The owners of Energy Group, a.s. contributed to these grants with the same amount , what means, that for the aid it was dedicated double amount collected through the mechanism of donating 2% of the employees taxes of companies in Energy Group, a.s..

The total financial contributions were dedicated employees working in the EG group companies or their relatives, who are in need, for help by health problems, by severe physical disabilities, by poor financial situation and the like. Employees in each company themselves decided about donation of the collected funds, that were given during the year 2014 to the chosen employees and families with the participation of representatives from each company like this:

In the company SLOVARM, a.s. the financial grant in amount 1.946, - EUR was given to families of Mrs. J.Mizeráková, Mr.J.Osuský, Mrs.Foltýnová. In the company HKS Forge, s.r.o. the financial grant in about 2.764,- EUR was given to family of Mr.Strýček.

In the company PREMATLAK, a.s. the financial grant in amount 466, - EUR was given to Mrs. A.Minarechová for her sons Rastislav and Peter.

In the company Prvá teplárenská, a.s. the financial grant in amount 740,- EUR was given to familes of Mrs.Michaela Krištofová and Mrs.Lucia Vitkovičová. In the company Bytový podnik Myjava, s.r.o. the financial grant in amount 380,-EUR was given to Mr.L.Dobiáš.

In the company Baňa Čáry, a.s. the financial grant in amount 3.700,-EUR was given to families of Mrs. A. Smažienková, Mr. A. Uhrinec, Mr. R. Kováčik, Mr. M. Lorenc, Mr. D. Uhrinec, Mrs.G.Ružičková, Mr.L.Dobrovodský, Mr.J.Stachovič and Mr.J.Hrúza.

In the company Baňa Dolina, a.s. the financial grant in amount EUR 1.354, - EUR was given to families of Mr.V. Hric, Mrs.E. Durcová, Mr. J. Péter, Mrs. O. Riesová, Mrs. I. Horváthová.

In the company Hotel sv.Ludmila, a.s. the financial grant in amount 154, - EUR was given to family of. Mrs. J. Kuklová.

In the company Agricultural Cooperative of shareholders Čečejovce the financial grant in amount 102, - EUR was given to family of Mrs. A. Mateszová. We believe that the provided funds will alleviate and help beneficiary families to solve their difficult health or social situation. We thank you unselfish employees for this way of assistance.